hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog wel this weekend wuz verry bizzy in addishun to gitting blessd by the friars and a nice gaym of poker in the doghowse of justiss i also helpd mama try to lern her lefts and rites
nowing yore left and rites is importent for ajility becuz yoo nevr no wich side yore nekst obstakel is going to be on
mama did ok for a wile but then she startd to git confyoozd and saying left or rite mor than wunse in a row this is probly why she gits so confyoozd dooring groop classes at the fred astaire stoodio when its time for the ladeez to rotayt to there nekst partner
hay mama dont kwit yore day job to bekum a marine drill instruktor ha ha ok bye